应金沙集团186cc李惠教授邀请,美国密苏里科技大学教授Genda Chen 教授来我院访问交流,并开展讲学、招生宣讲(博士研究生、博士后)活动,欢迎各位感兴趣的师生参加。
时间:2017年2月27日上午 9:00 – 11:00
主题:INSPIRE University Transportation Center̶̶Towards Advanced Inspection and Preservation of Bridges
Missouri S&T is leading a five-year University Transportation Center ($1.4M per year), recently awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation, with a theme of “Inspecting and Preserving Infrastructure through Robotic Exploration (INSPIRE).” The new center aims to explore, develop, validate, and demonstrate remotely-controlled robotic platforms for the inspection and preservation of bridges and tunnels, a robot-enabled resilience analysis and intervention framework for post- disaster assessment and recovery of transportation structures, and a simulation-based training and control system for next-generation transportation workforce development. In this presentation, the needs for the proposed research initiative are first presented, the vision of the INSPIRE center will then be introduced. Next, new technologies, new inspection and preservation decision processes, and new inspection regulation to be investigated will be discussed. They are followed by a brief discussion of priority research areas and topics. Finally, available research equipment and facilities at Missouri S&T are introduced.
Genda Chen, Ph.D., P.E., F. ASCE, F. SEI
Professor and Robert W. Abbett Distinguished Chair in Civil Engineering Director, INSPIRE University Transportation Center (INSPIRE UTC)
Director, System and Process Assessment Research Laboratory (SPAR Lab) Associate Director, Mid-America Transportation Center (MATC)
Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T)
Email: gchen@mst.edu
Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. degree from State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992 and joined Missouri S&T in 1996 after over three years of bridge design, inspection, and construction practices with Steinman Consulting Engineers in New York City. He was granted two patents and authored over 350 publications in structural health monitoring, structural control, interface mechanics and deterioration, bridge engineering, and multi-hazard effects. He received the 1998 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the 2004 Academy of Civil Engineers Faculty Achievement Award, and the 2009, 2011, and 2013 Missouri S&T Faculty Research Awards. He is Chair of the 9th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure in 2019, Associate Editor of the Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Editorial Member of Advances in Structural Engineering, a council member of the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, and an executive member of the U.S. Panel on Structural Control and Monitoring. He was elected to ASCE Fellow in 2007 and Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) Fellow in 2013. In 2016, he was nominated and inducted into the Academy of Civil Engineers at Missouri S&T and became an honorary member of Chi Episolon.